start 2.4.13

James Niland nilandjp at
Thu Jul 18 19:49:22 EDT 2013

  I have gnucash 2.2.9 installed and would like to use 2.4.13 but I have 
no idea how to start it. for some reason removing 2.2.9 resulted in 
2.4.13 install error SLIB not found but it is installed. I found a site 
about getting it to work with a virtual link and copied the link info 
but really don't know about what I was doing, the syntax anyway. If I 
remove 2.2.9 I still get the install error again. any help would be great
html_signature Sincerely, James Niland
Niland Enterprise LLC
askme at
(910) 557-9078, 10 AM to 7PM EST
Niland's Place <>

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