Question re GNUcash [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Maf. King maf at
Thu Jul 25 03:45:40 EDT 2013

On Thu 25 July 13 01:42:55 Wagner, David wrote:
> Hi hope you can help,
> I have successfully downloaded and installed GNUcash.
> It was a really nice surprise to see that the product matched the marketing
> .
> I hope you can help with this question, we have:
> 1.       several investment properties & loans for properties.
> 2.       a mortgage on our home
> 3.       also a line of credit and a savings account.
> 4.       There is one credit card.
> Question:
> I am wondering if GNUcash has the ability to work with all of them and
> provide forecasting reports. Meaning, if we use the line of credit to pay
> the loan payments for the investment properties and focus the rent, tax
> deductions etc on the mortgage.
> 1.       How long would it take for the mortgage to be paid off?
> 2.       How long will the line of credit last?
> 3.       When would we be able to borrow more funds to purchase another
> house?
> 4.       How much would be able to borrow?
> 5.       What would be the equity growth.
> Hope the answer is yes and I have missed something.

Hi David,

Welcome to Gnucash and the list.

Forecasting and "what-ifs" isn't really one of the things that gnucash does 

It's main job is recording your financial history - ie what has happened for 
tax reporting etc. - and not financial planning or forecasting.  there is a 
budgeting mechanism, but I'm not sure it will handle your use case well - I'm 
sure that someone more familiar with it will chip in if they know better.

Gnucash will certainly be able to keep track of the sums outstanding on your 
loans and mortgages though, and rises in the value of your investment 
properties etc.

When I want to do some what-ifs, I tend to record some temporary transactions 
and see how the account balances are affected, but my needs are not as 
intricate as yours seem to be.

good luck,

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