How to Edit Invoice Fields

Maf. King maf at
Mon Jul 29 05:54:37 EDT 2013

On Sun 28 July 13 07:26:27 Joon Kang wrote:
> I am in the meat distribution business, I don't need the Dis%, Dis <, Income
> Account, and Action fields, what I would need is Description, Country of
> Origin, Boxes, Kgs, price per kg, Total and a field for BL Number.  Please
> advise on how I can edit the fields if it's possible at all.  Thank you in
> advance. 
> Thank You,
> Joon Kang
> Phone:  +82-10-9475-4940 KR
>             +1-323-963-3510 US


you certainly do need the "income account" column, as you need to have a 
transfer account to assign the invoice lines to or you will be unable to post 
the invoice in GC.

AFAIK, the account column headings are not modifyable - you maybe could do so 
by editing the source and compiling your own version - but things like country 
of origin could be put in the description or memo fields,  kg and price per kg 
are just new words for the existing column headings.


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