Trying to create a 24-weekly Scheduled Transaction

David Carlson david.carlson.417 at
Thu May 2 04:01:12 EDT 2013

On 5/2/2013 12:06 AM, Michael Hendry wrote:
> I subscribe to a magazine which is published thirteen times a year, but whose subscription is paid by direct debit every six issues (i.e. every 24 weeks).
> When I try to set up this transaction, with a frequency of Weekly, every 24 weeks starting on 6th June 2013 and lasting forever, I'm told "You have attempted to set up a Scheduled Transaction which will never run. Do you really want to do this?".
> I've worked around this by selecting "Monday" as the day of the week for the transaction, but this means that the date will be wrong for six transactions in every seven.
> I did try selecting all seven days, but it looks as though this will set up a run of seven consecutive daily transactions every 24 weeks.
> I can tolerate having a relatively small transaction appearing up to six days late, using the work-around above, but I don't think I should be forced to do so - am I missing something here?
> Michael
> (Using version 2.4.11 on Mac OS X version 10.8.3).
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