Displaying split account detail in a transaction report

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Fri May 3 12:08:07 EDT 2013

On 03/05/2013 13:04, David Carlson wrote:
> On 5/3/2013 4:35 AM, Maf. King wrote:
>> On Thu 2 May 13 23:01:10 Mark Lawrence wrote:
>>> Thanks for the reply.  Display -> Account Name is already selected.
>>> There is no General -> Style option, the only ones displayed are Report
>>> name, Stylesheet and Title.  I'd guess that if this can't be done as is
>>> on Windows, then a simple solution is to enter separate transactions
>>> rather than one split transaction.  Is this the way to go, or has anyone
>>> got the correct solution?
>> Can you set the report dates on the General tab?  maybe the dialogues have
>> been re-arranged 2.4.11 -> 2..4.13
>> Maf.
> I see the problem.  You accidentally selected "Account Transaction
> Report" at the very bottom of the Reports drop-down list.  That is a
> specialized report that, for me, only shows the selected transaction but
> no others.  Push up the brim or your "XXXL size stupid hat" a bit and
> choose "Transaction Report" two lines above the bottom.  There was a
> change to this menu not too long ago in the windows version, and I do
> not recall the reason right now.  It is very confusing now.
> David C

Solved, thanks for the help.

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Mark Lawrence

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