Displaying split account detail in a transaction report

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Fri May 3 07:01:20 EDT 2013

On 03/05/2013 10:35, Maf. King wrote:
> On Thu 2 May 13 23:01:10 Mark Lawrence wrote:
>> Thanks for the reply.  Display -> Account Name is already selected.
>> There is no General -> Style option, the only ones displayed are Report
>> name, Stylesheet and Title.  I'd guess that if this can't be done as is
>> on Windows, then a simple solution is to enter separate transactions
>> rather than one split transaction.  Is this the way to go, or has anyone
>> got the correct solution?
> Can you set the report dates on the General tab?  maybe the dialogues have
> been re-arranged 2.4.11 -> 2..4.13
> Maf.

No, the three options on the General tab are as I've listed above.  The 
Display tab has check boxes for Date, Num, Description, Memo, Account, 
Shares, Lot, Price, Value, Running balance and Totals.  It also has a 
drop down list for Amount which can be Single or Double.  I've checked 
the changes between 2.4.9 -> 2.4.13 and couldn't see anything obvious. 
I'd also assume that it's unlikely that the dialogues would have been 
changed, but then what do I know?

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Mark Lawrence

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