Restore problem

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at
Sat May 4 05:26:16 EDT 2013

On Thursday 02 May 2013 07:57:51 Erkin Agsaran wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using v2.4.6 on Wndows 7.
> I have accidentally deleted my working .gnucash data file, and the dated
> backups (xxxxx.20130415xxx.gnucash files).
I'm sorry to hear this. On the other hand, you probably have learned from this incident to make regular 
backups of all your important data.

> I was able to restore the dated .gnucash backup files, but not the original
> working data file. I've read that I should be able to open the backup file
> just like opening a working file, so I tried that. But I got the "no
> suitable backend for file..." message. 
GnuCash doesn't seem to agree you really have opened a valid gnucash data file. Are you sure you are 
opening a backup file from the data file you lost ?

Is there any data in those files ?

What format have you been using to save your files ? XML, SQlite ?


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