Moving Data to New PC

Michael Hendry hendry.michael at
Sat May 11 19:06:27 EDT 2013

On 11 May 2013, at 23:17, "Dick Hughes" <hughesrl7 at> wrote:

> Resending.
> From: Dick Hughes [mailto:hughesrl7 at] 
> Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 6:16 PM
> To: 'gnucash-user at'
> Subject: Moving Data to New PC
> I just purchased a new PC (Windows 7) and wondered how to migrate my GnuCash
> data from my old PC (Windows XP).  Does anyone have the steps I need to
> take?  I have already installed GnuCash on the new PC.
> Thanks,
> Richard Hughes 

I haven't done this on a Windows system, but you should be able to do this by copying the most recent ".gnucash" file from the old system to a clean directory on your new system, and getting GnuCash to open it.

It would probably be wise to run the two systems in parallel for a while, and to be more careful than usual about backups.


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