Moving Data to New PC

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon May 13 09:47:35 EDT 2013


"Ken G." <beachkidken at> writes:

> I dare say it is a matter of copying the last ten files saved, the
> application and
> the log files. I never could figure out what the different is. When I
> have to manually
> open a file, it is either the latest 'application log' or the GnuCash
> financial data
> file. For example, below are my latest files for two days:
> /home/keng/GnuCash/kengreen.gnucash.20130113125752.gnucash.20130510202835.log
> /home/keng/GnuCash/kengreen.gnucash.20130113125752.gnucash.20130511164537.log
> /home/keng/GnuCash/kengreen.gnucash.20130113125752.gnucash
> /home/keng/GnuCash/kengreen.gnucash.20130113125752.gnucash.20130511164650.log
> The first file was saved Friday while the last three was saved at the
> same time on Saturday.
> It is beyond my comprehension. Currently, I am using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
> as my main
> operating system.

The fact that you have files that look like this implies that at some
point in time you inadvertantly opened a backup file from January 13,
2013 and started using that as your main data file.

Generally you should only need to copy your main data file (which in
your case should have been kengreen.gnucash), however in your case you
stopped using that as your main file at some point, so your main data
file is now kengreen.gnucash.20130113125752.gnucash.

> Ken

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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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