0 price for total loss of shares

Stefano M Canta cantastefano at gmail.com
Wed May 15 12:05:34 EDT 2013

A 0.0 price does not work.
Let's say I have 100 shares and I have a loss on 2.
I will write a transaction for  -2 shares at a price of 0, but the advanced
report for some reason can't compute the basis anymore when I have two or
three of these total loss transactions.



Stefano Mihai Canta, Ph.D.
Electrical Engineering Specialist
Antenna Subsystem Operations

Space Systems/Loral
3825 Fabian Way M/S G-43
Palo Alto, CA 94303-4604
Tel  1-650-852-5808
Fax 1-650-308-1808

On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 6:15 AM, Steve <zephod at cfl.rr.com> wrote:

> ---- Stefano M Canta <cantastefano at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > How do I insert a price of 0 USD for the total loss of some stock shares?
> > If I just subtract the shares without any price from the stock account,
> the
> > advanced portfolio report has issues computing the basis.
> Have you disposed of these shares or do you still own them?
> If you still own them you could go to the price editor and manually enter
> a price of 0.0. I'm assuming that you can no longer get a quote. I don't
> have GC on this machine so I can't give you the exact steps.
> If you have disposed of the shares then just enter a normal sell
> transaction with 0.00 as the amount received from the sale. I suppose that
> this amount could be negative if you still had to pay fees and/or
> commisions.
> Steve

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