****Probably SPAM**** (5.001) Re: Deleting old set of books
David Both
david at both.org
Wed May 29 09:27:29 EDT 2013
Thanks for your quick response. See my responses below.
On 05/29/2013 09:18 AM, Geert Janssens wrote:
On Wednesday 29 May 2013 08:57:38 David Both wrote:
> I have two old sets of books that I have used for testing certain
> for my business books. I also have two sets of real books, one for my
> business and one for my personal finances.
> I have finished with one of the sets of test books and would like to
> that set of books. I can find no way to do that.
> Question 1: Can anyone tell me how to delete a set of books?
Hi David,
A set of books is just a file on your computer. So you delete it just
like you delete any other file: use your file manager to locate the
book on your PC and then delete it/move it to your trash.
I have tried this in the past and deleted the files that start with the
name of the set of books I wished to delete from ~/GnuCash. The files
are gone, but the choices still remain in the "Files" menu along with
my current sets of books. I am using Fedora 18 and GnuCash 2.4.13.
> Also, having used GnuCash for over 13 years, I have many old
> hanging around.
> Question 2: Is there any way to prevent display of transactions
that are
> more than, say, 2 years old, or some other arbitrary age, while
> maintaining the integrity of the books? This would also require
some way to
> access older transactions if required for some reason.
Yes there is but with some limitations.
You can do this as follows:
- open a register for the account you want to view a limited set of
- Go to View->Filter By...
- Specify the date range you like
There are two limitations:
1. you will have to do this per account. There is no global option.
2. The filter will be reset when you close the register. So you have
to do it each time you open the register.
The second limitation will be fixed in GnuCash 2.6 in the relatively
near future. The first one is still there.
That sounds good. Thanks!
"I'd put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we
don't have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that."
- Thomas Edison, in conversation with Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone, 1931
David P. Both
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