Writing Custom Reports in 2.4.11
Geert Janssens
janssens-geert at telenet.be
Thu May 30 10:59:18 EDT 2013
On Monday 01 April 2013 12:22:58 Matt Forbis wrote:
> I've been trying to make a custom report based on the balsheet-equile report
> as a template in windows on 2.4.11. I copied the report and then started
> modifying it as described in the wiki. I was experiencing issues with
> getting a custom CSS file to display inside of GNUCash when running the
> report (both mine and the standard one included in GNUCash). When I
> exported the report to HTML, I would see it was putting the css file link
> into the HTML file as "C:\Users\mforbis\.gnucash\balsheet-eg.css" and this
> was not being displayed correctly, however if I changed the link to start
> with file:/// and the CSS would apply correctly. As I was looking around
> for what I was doing wrong, I looked at the taxinvoice.equile.scm since it
> is also based on a eguile style report, it appears to put the file url into
> the HTML file with a call to make-file-url, and if I do the same thing, it
> appears to then display the CSS correctly inside of GNUCash. Since I'm
> knew to writing custom reports with GNUCash and learning scheme/eguile, I
> don't want to put this in the bug tracker if I'm not doing something
> correctly. So, is there something else I should be doing, or did I go
> about fixing the report in the correct manner?
I'm going through my mail backlog, and caught your question only now, sorry.
Using make-file-url is the proper solution. You did the right thing :)
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