HELP! Can't setup budget

Alexander Miller ambler at
Fri May 31 11:35:58 EDT 2013

Thanks, Liz but I doubt that's the problem. I do know where to get other
Gnash 2.2.9 is the version packaged in the repository for Mint 9, and
should therefor be the one that works properly with it. Later ones, on
the other hand, may not?
Oddly, when I first tried gnucash with this setup, using a test file,
the budget feature worked. Now it does not even after several
re-installs. I'm not sure when - and I don't know why - it stopped. I
hope someone who can guess why, will chime in soon.

On Fri, 2013-05-31 at 19:33 +1000, Liz wrote:

> Gnucash 2.2.9 is old.
> It may "not work" for budgets properly.
> Someone will chime in and tell you where to get a newer version.
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