ending off books

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at mtdata.com
Sat Nov 23 16:24:30 EST 2013

>If you need to certify each years' books, then one method is to print the
>relevant reports (to paper and/or digital media) and have the paper (or
>media) legally certified and/or stored outside your control.
You don't have to simply run reports (although likely you would be 
running some reports as part of the end of accounting period procedures. 
At that point you can copy the file (the gnucash data file that is your 
books, reports, etc.), burn some copies onto write once medium, and send 
for safe keeping, at least one outside of your control.

In case of any question that the books have later been altered, a byte 
by byte compare can be ordered between what you claim is the unaltered 
file and the one that has been outside of your control.

Michael D Novack, FLMI

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