Income increase is shown as unbalanced, what to do?

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Wed Oct 2 10:58:24 EDT 2013

Lake <lake100 at> writes:

>> I do not understand your problem.  Income does not add up to zero.  If
>> you were talking about salary, you would see it increasing with each
>> paycheck. 
>  I'm trying to enter eBay sales in GnuCash, not salary.

Okay, so you open your Assets:Banks:EBay account and create a
transaction (assuming you're in Basic Mode):

  Date   Description  Transfer      Desposit   Withdrawal
  <date> <Buyer Name> Income:Sales  <txn amt>

>> ...does not add up to zero.
> Now I don't understand what does it mean :) 
> What zero? The problem was with income (sales) in red.

What it means is that in any single transaction the sum of the debits ==
the sum of the credits.  Gnucash enforces this invariant.  I.e., if you
Deposit money into a Bank Account it has to come *from* somewhere
(e.g. Income:Sales).  So you debit your bank and credit income.  This
will "increase" both the bank and income.

>>  You will see red in the income account depending on how you have your
>> preferences set under
>> Edit>Preferences>Accounts>Reverse Balanced Accounts. 
> This solved my problem completely, now income is in black and expenses are
> in red.

Um, this does NOT sound like it's correct..  Nothing should be in "Red"

> Thank you! Appreciate your help.

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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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