Datestamp on Reports

Michael Hendry hendry.michael at
Mon Oct 7 04:58:05 EDT 2013

Is there a simple way to add a datestamp to a report?

I've been doing some tidying up, and would like to be able to distinguish a report I've just prepared from the current set of accounts from one I made some years ago.

I have in mind something like "Balance Sheet 31/03/2011 - prepared on 7/10/2013" in the heading, or perhaps a more discreet footer.

Am I missing something obvious?

I've scanned the documentation and the list and can't find anything relevant.

I could export and edit an HTML version of the report, or I could export it and print it from my browser with a datestamped footer enabled, but bitter experience tells me I won't do this reliably!

Over the years I've blundered around in the foothills of several computer languages, never mastering the heights of any, and I really don't want to have to apply the same suck-it-and-see approach to Scheme and Guile if I can avoid it.


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