Cannot access 'Since last run' window
Ian Konen
iankonen at
Mon Oct 7 11:29:54 EDT 2013
On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 9:13 AM, David Carlson
<david.carlson.417 at> wrote:
> On 10/6/2013 8:44 PM, Angela Gear wrote:
>>> Date: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 19:49:27 +0100
>>> From: Rich Stanton <richstanton at>
>>> To: gnucash-user at
>>> Subject: Cannot access 'Since last run' window
>>> Message-ID: <52505F37.3000407 at>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>>> Anyone any suggestions for this? I've been noticing that some of my
>>> scheduled transactions haven't been appearing correctly, and wonder if
>>> it's related to the fact that when Gnucash starts, I have a gnucash icon
>>> on the taskbar, and 2 windows are visible when I hover over it. One is
>>> the main app window, the other is the 'since last run' window. Usually
>>> I'd 'OK' the 'since last run' window. However although it has a
>>> thumbnail on the taskbar, clicking on the 'since last window' doesn't do
>>> anything, and I can't get to it using alt-escape or alt-tab. I can get
>>> to the main app window fine.
>>> Using 2.4.13 on win8.1 x64.
>>> Thanks for any suggestions on how I can get to that window!
>> Hi Rich,
>> I had this problem also and it was definitely a multi-monitor issue
>> for me. To get to the window, hover over the gnucash icon, then
>> Alt+space, press the 'm' key, then I had to arrowed up and the window
>> came into view. If Windows has stuck your 'Since last run' window to
>> either side or above your "main" monitor, you might have to arrow
>> left, right or down.
>> This happened regardless of whether or not I have booted with an
>> external monitor attached to my laptop.
>> I hope this helps.
>> Angela
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> Hi Angela,
> For the rest of us, you refer to the problem in the past tense. Did you
> only have to use that procedure once, or was there something else that
> made the problem stop happening?
I don't want to speak for Angela, but I've had this problem in
Windows with other software that opens multiple windows, and like her,
I'm pretty sure was related to using a separate monitor with my
laptop. I think if you use the extended desktop in a non-rectangular
layout (I.E. the two monitors layed out with an offset vertical
placement or different heights) some programs (maybe all? not sure
what info the OS is supplying) think the entire the rectangular
envelope that contains both monitors is useable area. If a program
window ends up in dead-space that is in that rectangle but not
displayed on either monitor, you can't get to it with the mouse in
order to drag it into view, but that arrow key move trick works (and
now that I think about it, I don't think I've seen this since I was
using Windows XP because I didn't know about alt-space, which is
apparently needed now in Win 7. In XP, I could right click on the tab
and get that same menu alt-space serves up now). You also cannot drag
a window into a dead space like that. IIRC, it only happened when the
monitor configuration changed between software runs: I think the
software stores window locations and thinks it's putting the window in
a valid location when it reopens. I don't think I ever saw it happen
if I left software open during a change of monitor
that case out of bounds windows just snap to a new (and valid)
location. I'll see if I can cause it on purpose, but it was never a
very common problem to begin with in my experience.
Ian Konen
iankonen at
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