GnuCash cant resize New Account window

Liz edodd at
Tue Apr 1 09:16:54 EDT 2014

On Mon, 31 Mar 2014 14:09:17 -0700 (PDT)
jacob20 <jacobkasper at> wrote:

> Thanks for the reply Geert, but that does not work. When I press ALT
> (or hold ALT) I can only resize the width, and not the height. The
> cursor turns to the resize icon when I am at the top of the window,
> but it will not go shorter. but I can change the width. Is there
> another way to approach this? Thank you
> Jacob

Let's try a different description.
Press and hold the ALT key.
Now left click in the main part of the window and drag the window
upwards, using your pointer device.
When you can see the bottom of the window, release the ALT key.

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