Cash Flow Report Changes

David Carlson david.carlson.417 at
Wed Apr 9 01:38:18 EDT 2014

On 4/9/2014 12:24 AM, Carsten Rinke wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> not sure if I get which similar thread you are referring to.
> Can you give a hint (link, quote, ...)?
> Kind regards,
> /Carsten
> On 04/09/2014 03:12 AM, Tim Barber wrote:
>> On 4/8/2014 8:11 PM, Robin Chattopadhyay wrote:
>>> On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 2:37 PM, Carsten Rinke <carsten.rinke at
>>> <mailto:carsten.rinke at>> wrote:
>>>     Hi Robin,
>>>     (I hope this nice piece of art survives the mail tranport)
>>> It did for me, thanks.
>>>     Isn't this a bit inconsistent?
>>> Perhaps, but I have that luxury since I'm keeping books for myself
>>> with no tax or reporting consequences. :-) The checking account is
>>> the only account I use the cash flow report for so I've never had to
>>> consider what the report looks like from the perspective of the
>>> other accounts.
>>> In any case, in the course of thinking through my use case, I
>>> decided to change how I was booking this transaction and turn it
>>> into two transactions.
>> Be forewarned that you will now have extra transactions in your
>> register so when you go to reconcile the account against your
>> statement you will have more work.
>>> Now, I will credit the checking account for the entire payment of
>>> $141.00 and debit the prepaid account for the same. The second
>>> transaction will credit the prepaid account and debit the
>>> electricity and gas accounts. The remainder in the prepaid account
>>> shows how much I owe (or am owed).
>>> This meets my needs and makes the cash flow report work for me.
>> This goes against a similar thread regarding the new changes to the
>> Cash Flow report where it can't handle a single transaction that has
>> both credits and debits against an account.
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I think that Tim was referring to "Debits/credits subtotals in
transaction report" dated March 13.

David C

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