Gnucash data missing

Frank H. Ellenberger frank.h.ellenberger at
Tue Apr 15 06:18:26 EDT 2014


Am 15.04.2014 06:30, schrieb dansaudio:
> I have been using Gnucash for about a year and a half.  When I started it up
> tonight, I noticed that all of my credit card entries from the prior night
> were gone.  Also, in another credit card account, all of the purchases were
> gone, but all of the payments to the credit card company were still there! I
> am in a bit of a panic, and am trying to figure out what to do. I am hoping
> that cooler heads will prevail...
> Thanks

You might find a few ideas by reading might
be usefulp for you, too.

A few questions:
Did you save yesterday?
Did you open the right file today?
Did you set something in view->filter?


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