Chapter 8 - investment accounts

Jamestk davidjamestk at
Tue Apr 22 22:06:14 EDT 2014

Well I am back here again after a few months of not entering data [tend do to
batches at a time].

These split screens are a real headache for me, I just cannot grasp the
layout or the way GNU cash enters fields. 

As a manual workaround last time I omitted the first line /
Assets:Bank ABC 3525.00/ and calculated the net gain by looking up the
previous transaction. It seems to work ok but perhaps not practical for an
ongoing situation.

Also the help files [8.2] appear to have been changed since the last
version? is the sequence different?

*Table 8.2. Selling Stock Split Transaction Scheme

Account Shares Price Buy Sell

Assets:Bank ABC 3525.00

Assets:Brokerage Account:Stock:AMZN 0 0 1600.00

Expenses:Commissions 75.00

Assets:Brokerage Account:Stock:AMZN -100 36.00 3600.00

Income:Cap Gain (Long):AMZN 1600.00

Overall it's taking me a lot longer to prepare my accounts than before so I
guess something is wrong somewhere. I cannot believe the GNU cash designers
would spend all of this time and effort making something worse than using a

It takes a few attempts at 'tricking' GNU cash to accept my entries as it
tries to change the order, amounts and so forth.

I am happy to give it another go but can someone help out just on this one


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