Vendor & customer same person

R. Victor Klassen rvklassen at
Tue Apr 29 11:35:59 EDT 2014

On Apr 29, 2014, at 9:52 AM, tsagar <tsagar at> wrote:
> ...we should be able to flag such entities as customer or
> vendor or employee or agent or shareholder or lender or anything that is
> possible. There is an ever present possibility that a customer could later
> become a vendor or an employee or an agent. A user should be able to apply
> multiple flags to an entity. Once the flags are applied, the entity details
> should become accessible to different databases.
> Most of the commercially available account packages do this. In fact, one
> could easily say that this is the standard procedure.

I came from Quickbooks - the most limited version - and at the time (2012), Quickbooks most certainly would not let me use a customer for a vendor.

I had to create two versions with slightly different names.   So maybe “most” do, but that wasn’t my experience.

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