QIF spec ambiguity in example file

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 30 09:21:58 EDT 2014

"Daniel White" <twinbee42 at skytopia.com> writes:

>>> ***********************************BEGIN:
>>> !Account
>>> NAssets:Investments:Mutual Fund
>>> TInvst
>>> D10/30/2006
>>> Q0.9
>>> T500
>>> PPurchase
>>> NBuyX
>>> L[Assets:Investments:Mutual Fund:Cash]
>>> YFOO
>> You need to have a !Type in there.
> Right, and it needs to go right after the initial N and T lines, and
> just before
> the D line right? 


> Can you confirm whether "!Account" can use 'B', as you said before it
> could, but
> the URL I gave only lists N,T,D,L (and arguably / $). If so, what is
> the purpose
> of B?

Reading the code, B is "Budget".  I don't see / or $ in there so I don't
know what they do in a !Account section.

> Am I right in saying any transactions are under the nearest account
> defined?


> For example in the QIF just below, I presume both the transaction
> amounts for the amounts 20 and 30
> are for the 'Foo' account, whilst the 40 transaction is for the 'Foo2'
> account?
> !Account
> NFoo
> ^
> !Type:Bank
> D01/01/07
> T20.00
> C*
> ^
> !Type:Bank
> D02/01/07
> T30.00
> C*
> ^
> !Account
> NFoo2
> !Type:Bank
> D03/01/07
> T40.00
> ^

You don't need the second !Type:Bank between the 20 and 30
transactions.  But yes, the 40 transaction would go to Foo2 whereas 20
and 30 would be in Foo.  Note that Foo and Foo2 are your ASSET (Bank)

> Also, here's an example I found out in the wild (I've edited the
> amounts slightly out of paranoia):
> !Account
> NMutual funds
> DSample funds
> X
> ANote
> TMutual funds
> B120.50
> ^
> !Type:Invst
> D1/10/02
> NShrsIn
> YMutual
> Q78
> ^
> For the "!Account" section, is "Mutual funds" valid for T, and
> "120.50" for B?

T is "Type".  I don't know what valid entries for that would be.

> I don't think X and A should exist at all under !Account, and maybe
> not B either.

I don't know what A or X are.  GnuCash does not support those fields.
It does support B.

> Regards, Daniel


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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