Change of version gives change of currency symbol

James Wilde james.wilde at
Tue Aug 12 17:54:26 EDT 2014

The search link doesn’t work, so I have not been able to search the archives.  I’m sorry.

I am running GC on a Mac with OSX 10.9.4.  I had version 2.4.7 which worked well but gave me a glitch yesterday evening, and I decided to see if there is a newer version.  There is - 2.6.3, which I have downloaded.

Version 2.4.7 showed values in the Account Table as SEK 00.00.  Version 2.6.3 shows them as kr00.00 notwithstanding that all the options I have found show SEK as the selected symbol.  I can load the same file in 2.4.7 and 2.6.3 and I regularly get the same result.  Since that is the case, it would seem that the problem lies in the program and associated files comprising 2.6.3.

I’d very much appreciate it if someone can tell me how to change the currency code in 2.6.3.

For clarification, when I change from one version to the other, I change the name from Gnucash (for the active version) to it’s version number, such as Gnucash-2.4.7, and change the non-active version from - in this case - Gnucash-2.6.3 to Gnucash in order to run it.



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