KMyMoney vs Gnucash
gour at
Fri Aug 15 09:16:05 EDT 2014
in another, non-related thred in devel list I did mention by brief experience
with KMyMoney and Geert asked me to share it here...
Some time ago I stumbled upon the release notes about KDE Plasma-5. It looked
interesting and I thought that maybe I should give it a try not to be so
old-fashioned with my desktop. :-)
Moreover, I was thinking that maybe that the right time to try some of the apps
from KDE arena if and/or how they can replace my current ones.
Gnucash is one of the *critical* app on my desktop, so I decided to try
KMyMoney on the newly installed KDE Plasma-5 (everything running under
VirtualBox) - I also stumbled upon some reviews greatly praising KyMyMoney over
Gnucash, mostly in regard to report customization and ease of use
So, after KMyMoney was installed, I did manage to import my personal.gnucash
file into it - the job was done quite well, almost painlessly.
However, after I tried and did enter my 1st transaction, the magic was gone,
there was no joy and I quickly decided there is no chance that application
could replace Gnucash on my desktop. It was also end of my KDE/Plasma dreaming
and very quickly I was back at my regular desktop using i3 wm with some Xfce
Probably Geert will be disappointed with superficial review of KMyMoney and I
want to apologize to all its devs possibly reading it...but, entering
transactions in GC is *much more* intuitive and easy, at least for me.
Whether it's just a fact that I've become quite familiar with GC's interface or
the UI in Gnucash is simply more easy to work with...that's the question I do
not have answer to nor I'll try to figure it out. It's simply not according to
my taste does not fit my mind. Whatever. :-)
It could be that customizig reports in KMyMoney is easier - that's one of the
features I'd like to see in Gnucash: ability to customize reports/invoices more
easily without fiddling with Guile which is really not used so much to deserve
the status of Gnucash's scripting language - but I simply didn't arrive so far
in my 'evalauation'.
Finally, afaict, KMyMoney is not suitable for (smaller) businesses and if GC
could, somehow, provide feature to have quotes (besides invoices), it would
extend its usage quite far.
That's why for this part I still use PHP/MySQL web app to handle
That's all from me (for now).
The humble sages, by virtue of true knowledge, see with equal
vision a learned and gentle brāhmana, a cow, an elephant, a dog
and a dog-eater.
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