Bug calculating Total (Period) column in Accounts register

Brendan Simon Brendan at BrendanSimon.com
Sun Aug 17 22:43:50 EDT 2014

I think I have discovered a bug in version 2.6.3 where the 'Total
(Period)' column in the Accounts register is not calculated correctly --
it does not take into account the final day of the accounting period.

Example: I have an accounting period of 2012-07-01 to 2013-06-30.  If I
enter transactions with date of 2013-06-30 then the Total (Period)
column is not updated.  If I change the date to 2013-06-29, then the
Total (Period) column is updated correctly.

The Income Statement report seems to update ok with transactions on

I'm using GnuCash version 2.6.3-1 on OS X.

Note: this bug may have already been reported but I couldn't access the
wiki bug report page to check.

Could someone confirm whether this is a bug or the correct behaviour.  I
would think it is a bug and that the last accounting day should be
included in the calculation.

Thanks, Brendan.

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