KMyMoney vs Gnucash
wm+gnc at
Sat Aug 23 06:37:09 EDT 2014
Sat, 23 Aug 2014 12:14:16 <20140823121416.5fb4d568 at>
Gour <gour at>
>On Sat, 23 Aug 2014 08:31:48 +0100
>Wm <wm+gnc at> wrote:
>> Where are you that document sequences must *legally* be continuous in
>> this day and age? I'm going to guess Croatia which is now part of
>> the EU unless I'm mistaken. Since other EU members don't insist on
>> contiguous document sequences how can Croatia?
Well, we're always picking the 'best of both worlds'. :-)
> It makes life convenient for both auditors and accounting cheats but
> serves no other purpose really if you think about it for more than a
> 60 seconds.
Well, I'm very well that for some people preparing laws (here), 60
seconds is
You made me smile, thank you, Gour.
> Are you sure it is a legal requirement rather than something you'd
> prefer?
I say NO, it is guidance, not law.
Here is the law (online):
an you can try to translate 'lanak 11.'. ;)
C(lanak 11.
(1) Broj rac(una, koji je prema odredbama posebnih propisa sastavni dio
rac(una, obveznici fiskalizacije iz c(lanka 3. ovoga Zakona, kod
provedbe postupka fiskalizacije iskazuju u polju broj rac(una u tri
1. numeric(ki broj rac(una,
2. oznaka poslovnog prostora i
3. broj naplatnog ure?aja.
(2) Numeric(ki broj rac(una iz stavka 1. toc(ke 1. ovoga c(lanka mora
slijediti neprekinuti numeric(ki redoslijed, bez praznina, po svakom
poslovnom prostoru ili po naplatnom ure?aju u poslovnom prostoru.
Pravila slijednosti numeric(kih brojeva rac(una, popis poslovnih
prostora te dodijeljene oznake poslovnih prostora obveznik fiskalizacije
propisuje internim aktom, koji predoc(uje za potrebe poreznog nadzora.
(3) Neprekinuti numeric(ki redoslijed svake kalendarske godine krec'e od
broja 1 do broja n, po svakom poslovnom prostoru, odnosno po naplatnom
ure?aju u poslovnom prostoru.
and this
Article 11th
(1) The account number, which is under special provisions integral part
of the bill, taxpayers fiscalization in Article 3 of this Act, with the
implementation of the procedure fiscalization recorded in the account
number field in three parts:
First numerical account number,
Second mark of office space and
Third the number of toll devices.
(2) The numerical number of the account referred to in paragraph 1, item
1 of this Article shall follow a continuous numerical sequence, without
gaps, for each business area or the toll device in the office premises.
Rules of succession numeric account numbers, a list of office space and
office space assigned tags taxpayer fiscalization prescribes an internal
act, presented for the purpose of tax audit.
(3) The continuous numerical sequence of each calendar year ranges from
1 through n, for each business area, or by toll device in the office
All that is saying (and it is possible my translation tool got the
Croatian to Englishness wrong) is that if someone says "what happened
here?" you should have an explanation.
It is a convenience.
Apols if my quoting isn't right in this message. Gour is using a crap
format for this list :(
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