Find/Report invoices with a particular line in a description field

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Dec 1 14:24:35 EST 2014


"R. Victor Klassen" <rvklassen at> writes:

> Greetings all, 
> To give a concrete example, suppose 40 or so different income accounts
> associated with different things I sell.  One of these might be
> widgets of type A.  And so I have an account for type A widgets, and
> can easily see how much I’ve made in type A widgets, although not how
> many (unless they are always at the same price), nor whether the red,
> green or yellow ones generated the most income.  There are limits to
> how bushy I want to make the account tree, so I don’t have a separate
> account for each colour of type A widget.
> Oh, and I also sell these widgets singly, by the dozen, and by units
> of 100 and 1000, with the price each dropping as the volume goes up.
> So it really doesn’t make sense to have an account for every way they
> get sold.
> But here’s my question.  How do I find the invoices containing at
> least one entry for a red type A widget?  I know the information is in
> there, but can I get all the type A widgets reported by what it says
> in the invoice description?
> This is a similar question to - I bought a case of bags in which to
> sell my widgets - once - and since it is a rare thing to do I recorded
> it under “supplies” - which isn’t at all rare - and now I don’t
> remember who the supplier was.  How do I search the bills to find one
> for bags?

Unfortunately right now so just search is available.

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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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