Change register colors for Windows 8 High Contrast mode

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at
Sat Feb 1 02:55:54 EST 2014

On Friday 31 January 2014 20:00:44 farleykj wrote:
> Brian,
> I've been doing quite a bit of stuff with the graphics to make my
> particular Gnucash interface look the way I want it to. I've managed
> to change the colors of the register, and thought I'd look into how
> to do what you wish to do. Despite my best efforts, I've been unable
> to change the color of the text in registers. I can change the color
> of virtually every other text, but not in the registers. I think it's
> hard coded to ignore changes applied by the .gtkrc file for some
> reason.
This has popped up before and there is even a bug report for it:

Just out of curiosity, is it still hard coded if you disable the "Negative numbers in red" 
preference ?


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