Advance Portfolio Report Stock Price Retrieval
John Ralls
jralls at
Thu Feb 13 14:35:59 EST 2014
On Feb 13, 2014, at 6:24 AM, Richard Lindgren <rlindgren74 at> wrote:
> Everything has been just GREAT up until this morning. I received an email
> from SourceForge alerting me to install the latest version of GnuCash. I
> usually try to stay up-to-date with the program. I installed it and now my
> price retrieval for the Advance Portfolio stopped working. Well, I then
> proceeded to update Perl. I installed it and even went to the GnuCash
> folder and did the install there as well. Still no luck.
> I get the message: "Unable to retrieve quotes for these items:". All of the
> stocks and funds that I tract are listed there and yet it says that it
> cannot retrieve the prices. If I manually put in a price, it does show up
> in the report. What I need is the automatic and current price like it did
> before.
> I checked the help section to find the problem and I found this;
> -
> To determine if the Perl module Finance::Quote is already installed on
> your system, type "
> perldoc Finance::Quote" in a terminal window and check to see if there
> is any documentation available. If you see the documentation, then the
> module is installed, if you do not see the documentation, then it has not
> been installed."
> -
> I found it
> Any suggestions?
> Thank you in advance for your help.
This is the third post that you’ve made in 2 hours asking the same question which Geert answered yesterday: Yahoo changed something which broke Finance::Quote. There’s nothing you, or we, can do about it. Only the Finance::Quote folks can fix the module after one of them figures out what Yahoo has changed and how to work around it.
John Ralls
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