No price updates anymore
Chris Good
chris.good at
Fri Feb 14 20:12:41 EST 2014
> Message: 9
> Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 10:24:13 -0000
> From: "Fred Bone" <Fred.Bone at>
> To: Mike Alexander <mta at>
> Cc: gnucash-user at
> Subject: Re: No price updates anymore
> Message-ID: <52FDEECD.26425.1D30EEDC at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> On 13 February 2014 at 22:36, Mike Alexander said:
> > --On February 12, 2014 5:50:20 PM -0800 liberace
> > <philsdutchie at> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > Since yesterday I cant update the prices anymore. The error message
> > > is "*There was an unknown error while retrieving the price quotes*.
> >
> > Yahoo changed URL for their quote service, or more likely turned off
> > the old one since the new one doesn't seem all that new. The attached
> > patch seem to fix the problem.
> ... for the USA source. Yahoo_Europe was already in that form (but the URL
> starts
> Some ferreting around on the website indicates that
> (for the yahoo_europe quote-source) the URL should start
> - and that now works for me.
Thanks very much for the info Fred & Mike.
Get Quotes is also failing from Yahoo Australia.
For Windows 7, GnuCash 2.4.11 here is how to fix:
1) Take a backup copy of C:\Perl64\site\lib\Finance\Quote\Yahoo\
2) Start, type 'wordpad' in Search programs and files, click on WordPad that
appears at top. (Wordpad is used because it copes with lines that end with
only newline, unlike notepad)
3) Open (Control-O)
4) Bottom right: select 'All Documents' from drop down
5) open C:\Perl64\site\lib\Finance\Quote\Yahoo\
6) Change
7) Save file (Control-S) . Ensure to save in text only format without .txt
extension. Note that the original file is read-only, so I actually saved it
as, deleted, then renamed to
I also had a problem because I previously had my securities set up with
quote source 'Multiple' from ASX, then Yahoo Australia.
As previously noted on this list, ASX only allows approx 10 securities in 1
enquiry, so additional securities, which Finance::Quote tries get from
Yahoo Australia, were failing.
I fixed that by changing all my securities to use only a single quote source
of Yahoo Australia.
Note that is the same URL that is
needed now for Yahoo USA.
I thought that I might be able to get prices for Aus securities from Yahoo
USA, but this it seems is not possible from within GC.
I tested using gnc-fq-dump
ie for Windows
In a command window:
cd \Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin
perl gnc-fq-dump -v yahoo_australia BOQ (OK)
perl gnc-fq-dump -v yahoo BOQ.AX (OK)
perl gnc-fq-dump -v yahoo BOQ (Fails)
so I guess Finance::Quote is not adding the .AX to the security code.
I'll try to see if this, & the problem with more than 10 securities from the
ASX can be fixed.
If it came down to getting prices from the ASX one at a time, would anyone
object to the few extra seconds that took?
Regards, Chris Good
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