No yahoo quotes potential workaround

John Ralls jralls at
Sat Feb 15 12:35:19 EST 2014

On Feb 15, 2014, at 7:25 AM, Jed Diem <jed at> wrote:

> Mike,
> When adding a new security to GnuCash via the Security editor, checking the Get Online Quotes box gets the Yahoo quote server by default.  But there's a drop down menu that lists many other quote servers. Changing the quote server for each security individually is doable but a pain. It would be nice if the quote server could be set for all securities at once from within GnuCash.

It might, but you might not want to. Most of the available services are aliases for yahoo, but of the ones which are not most are specialty services that are the only sources for the symbols registered with them; they seldom provide pricing for securities other than their own products. In the latter case a truly global change would break retrieval.

So perhaps an option to replace all instances of service A with service B; but even that has risks if services A and B use different symbols for some security like the BOQ vs. BOQ.AX example posted in another thread on this topic, so such a feature would require a symbol transform option to be widely useful. Implementing all of that wouldn't be trivial, and I'm not convinced that it would get much use. But if you feel strongly that I'm wrong about that, by all means file an enhancement request in Bugzilla.

John Ralls

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