No price updates anymore
Chris Good
chris.good at
Sun Feb 16 04:58:07 EST 2014
Hi Peter,
Unfortunately ASX only works for 9 stocks at once, so if you have more than that, you have to use another source also.
Chris Good
> On 16 Feb 2014, at 7:41 pm, prl <prl at> wrote:
>> On 16/02/2014 08:25, Chris Good wrote:
>> If Erik removes all the non USA modules and replaces them with links to the USA module, won't that break it for all the non USA users? I.e. has to add the .AX suffix to the stock code so that Yahoo can find it. Regards, Chris Good
> You only have ASX (Australian Stock Exchange) traded shares could unhook yourself from Yahoo completely by using ASX as your quote source in GnuCash.
> Peter
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