Import MT-940 - Import module for DTAUS import not found.

Erix gnucash at
Sat Jan 4 09:49:32 EST 2014

Hi all,

I've been using GnuCash for a couple of years. But now I'm running into 
a problem.

Since November I've upgraded from Linux Mint 15 to LM 16, and since then 
I cant import the MT940 files downloaded from my bank. I get an error 
stating : Import module for DTAUS import not found.

Yesterday I upgraded from GnuCash 2.4.13 to GC 2.6.0 but the error remains.

I found an old thread (apr 2010) dealing with this issue on Mac OSX 
which was about gwenhywfar but as far as I can see gwenhywfar is 
installed on my system.

Anybody any ideas ?



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