My Gnucash has changed - making changes

David Ryder dnryder at
Wed Jan 15 04:59:58 EST 2014

   On 15/01/14 09:42, Geert Janssens wrote:

   On Tuesday 14 January 2014 13:58:27 David Ryder wrote:

   > Ubuntu 12.04

   > I opened Gnucash yesterday - things had changed. I installed 2.4.11

   > some time ago (over a year?) but now it is saying it is 2.6 However

   > all my columns sizes had changed - but the most annoying thing is the

   > pop up box every time I change the reconciled from 'n' to 'c' asking

   > me if I want to make the change. The options are 'Remember the answer

   > and don't ask me again' and 'Remember the answer for this session'.

   > Seems silly to me for the reconciliation column when changing 'n' to

   > 'c' but sensible if changing 'y' to 'n'...

   > I _do_ want to be asked if I change a 'y' to a 'n' in the

   > reconciled column - so I can't choose 'don't ask me again'.

   Did you read the question you are actually asked ? I would suspect it
   is asking if you want to change an existing transaction and not if you
   want to change a reconciled transaction (which would mean changing 'y'
   to 'n'). Read the question carefully and probably you can choose 'don't
   ask me again'.

   > But I _don't_ want asking if I, say, change 'n' to 'c' or add a

   > reference in the Description or Num columns.

   > It was all working fine last week.

   > Can anybody tell me if this popup is per column or universal to any

   > changes?

   This popup is per warning. There are about 15 actions that are
   considered "invasive" enough to explicitly ask the user if he/she
   really wants to do this. You probably triggered the "change existing
   transaction warning". This warning is there because gnucash doesn't
   have an easy way to undo an accidental change.

   Note that this warning has always been in gnucash. So you probably
   disabled it long ago as well. There are no newly introduced warnings in
   gnucash 2.6.

   > As I had obviously got this working the way I wanted it some time

   > ago I'm hesitant because Gnucash has apparently updated itself (I

   > didn't know it did).

   Since you got an automatic update, you probably didn't read the release
   notes for the new version. These notes explain that gnucash has
   switched over to a new preferences system, but that not all preferences
   can be migrated from the old version. Some of the warning preferences
   are part of that, as well as the column sizes you mentioned in the

   Regarding the column sizes 2.6 has a new bug [1] which makes it
   frequently forget the column sizes for the account hierarchy.


   [1] [1]
   "Did you read the question you are actually asked ? I would suspect it
   is asking if you want to change an existing transaction and not if you
   want to change a reconciled transaction (which would mean changing 'y'
   to 'n'). Read the question carefully and probably you can choose 'don't
   ask me again'."
   Yes, I did. Presented with an unexpected change of behaviour one can
   doubt one's interpretation.
   "This popup is per warning."
   "Since you got an automatic update, you probably didn't read the
   release notes for the new version."
   True - as there was no indication it was a new release I had no reason
   to. In Ubuntu, the change in behaviour / look /sizing could be
   attributed to X and other things to Configuration Editor being
   "Regarding the column sizes 2.6 has a new bug [1] which makes it
   frequently forget the column sizes for the account hierarchy."
   Yes - and my column settings in each account are not remembered either
   in any of my cash books.
   Many thanks for your help. I'll read the release notes.



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