Ver 2.6.3 no split entry

Scott Roe scott384 at
Sat Jul 5 11:31:46 EDT 2014

Dear Gnucash Users:

I recently upgraded to Gnucash version 2.6.3 and now I cannot enter split entries.  The process works all the way to the last item and when enter is hit, the entire split entry disappears.

I've gone over the data entry procedure in the help to make sure I was following the correct procedure, and I'm made many split entries in the past with an older version with no issues.

Can anyone confirm this is an issue with ver 2.6.3, or is there a different procedure for entering a split entry?

Appreciate any help, and if this is in the archives, I apologize for missing it.

Look forward to hearing from you,

Scott Roe
Gnucash 3 year user

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