Documentation for importing Invoices and Customers missing in 2.6

Jason Stewart jason.e.stewart at
Mon Jun 16 16:42:16 EDT 2014


I've been using GnuCash for about 15 years, on and off... I just spent the
last couple of days wondering the easiest way to import around 70 invoices
for an event we're hosting in a month that I had been handling via google
docs. Then I discovered that there already is a .csv importer built in to
GnuCash!!! But searching the 2.6 docs yields no results... There are some
docs under the Python API section of the 2.4 Concepts docs - but they have
disappeared from the 2.6 docs.

I found this feature really helpful and I'd be happy to write the docs and
submit them if that would be helpful.

Thanks again for everyone making this such a great tool...

All the best, jas...

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