Multi-currency transactions with trading accounts from 2.4.13 getting messed up in latest 2.6.3
msalists at
Fri Jun 20 15:45:11 EDT 2014
On 2014-06-20 10:44, Mark wrote:
> On 2014-06-20 06:57, David Carlson wrote:
>> On 6/19/2014 10:06 PM, Mark wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am having problems with my old gnucash files and some of the
>>> multi-currency transactions in those files.
>>> I am using trading accounts and have transactions with USD and EUR
>>> accounts that handled through respective trading account splits.
>>> So far, I was using 2.4.13
>>> I just installed 2.6.3 on a new machine and loaded the old gnucash
>>> files.
>>> Some of my transactions now have a 5th split with one of the
>>> accounts (EUR or USD) added and one of the amounts of the trading
>>> amounts messed up.
>>> Loading the exact same file into 2.4.15 works fine (exactly as in
>>> 2.4.13).
>>> What could be the problem here? Is this a known issue? If not I
>>> will
>>> send a sample transaction...
>>> Thank you...
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>>> gnucash-user mailing list
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>> There has been a problem with some scheduled transactions getting
>> corrupted when they are created by the since last run assistant in the
>> 2.4 series. I personally have seen this with reinvested dividends in my
>> case. The only clue I saw was that if a corrupted transaction was
>> manually edited sometime after it's initial creation, it could go out of
>> balance, which would really stand out if trading accounts was active. I
>> have been told that the problem has been corrected in the 2.6 series,
>> but I have not upgraded yet to confirm that.
>> The underlying error is not visible in the register view. It has been
>> reported as
>> You may be seeing another manifestation of that bug, which will not be
>> fixed, as the 2.4 series is no longer supported, and so far, has not
>> been seen in the 2.6 series. If so, I suspect that you may need to
>> manually delete and re-enter those transactions in either version of
>> GnuCash, taking care not to accept any autocompletions, which can
>> propagate the problem. That is fairly easy to try if there are not too
>> many of them. I only had 29 bad transactions by the time I identified
>> the problem.
>> David C
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> I'm not sure if this is the same bug, I would lean towards "No"...
> - Everything is fine in versions 2.4.xx
> - The problems start when opening the file in 2.6.3. As soon as
> GnuCash 2.6.3 opens the file, the balance of the IMBALANCE account
> changes. So the additional IMBALANCE split in the affected
> transactions is either already there but invisible in 2.4.xx (which I
> somehow doubt), or they are added right when the file is opened,
> without even opening any accounts or touching any of the transactions.
> When I try to remove the IMBALANCE split and correct the amounts of
> the remaining 4 splits manually, so that everything is rebalanced, and
> then hit ENTER to save the transaction, GnuCash loses my changes and
> brings the IMBALANCE split back.
> The only way to fix it is, as you suggested, deleting the "corrupted"
> transactions and reentering them.
> I'm not keen on doing that though, because I might accidentally enter
> something wrong, and also, I am worried that there might be other
> "corruptions" in the file that are not as obvious as this one and that
> I have not found yet...
> Another probably related issue is that for other transactions, as soon
> as I touch something in them (e.g. just changing a text line or
> toggling the reconcile flag without changing the amounts), GnuCash
> tells me the transaction is imbalanced. Looking at the individual
> split lines in the transaction, this is clearly wrong: the transaction
> is balanced, and there is no way to rebalance it. Neither trying to
> manually rebalance nor having GnuCash automatically rebalance it fixes
> this; and the error just keeps popping up. The only way to get out of
> that loop then is to close the account sheet and reopening it.
> I have not found a way to reproduce this yet. It does not happen for
> all transactions, only for some.
> Trying to create a new file in 2.4.15 with only a couple of dummy
> transactions and then opening that in 2.6.3 did work fine without
> triggering the problem...
> Is there an easy way to just export a couple of the affected
> transactions and accounts from my real file into a test file?
> Thanks,
> Mark
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> gnucash-user mailing list
> gnucash-user at
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> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
Some more info regarding the trading accounts problem:
Opening the 2.4.13 file in version 2.6.3 caused this to happen for about
10 transactions.
I unsuccessfully tried to fix one of those by removing the IMBALANCE
split and adjusting the wrong amount in one of the trading account split
lines that had caused the IMBALANCE line. Trying to submit the fixed
transaction, version 2.6.3 changed my fixed trading account amount back
to the wrong amount and put the IMBALANCE split line back to compensate
for that.
I then saved the file and closed version2.6.3
After uninstalling 2.6.3 and installing 2.4.15, I opened the file again.
Now, in 2.4.15, all transactions are OK except for the one that I had
tried to fix in 2.6.3. That still has the IMBALANCE split line and the
wrong trading account amount that the IMBALANCE line is compensating for.
However, in 2.4.15, I am able to fix the transaction by removing the
IMBALANCE split line and fixing the erroneous trading account amount,
which was not possible in 2.6.3.
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