Importing invoices

Theo Richel theo at
Mon Jun 30 09:53:26 EDT 2014


I am quite new to GNUCash (wish I'd found it earlier) and I have
succesfully imported lots of bank statements. The import however of
invoices fails. I do have a csv-file, but it just doesn't show up in the
importer. I have found the documentation but I cannot make much of it
and I wouldn't know how to execute a Python script.

Below are a few lines from my csv-file, what should I do to make it
acceptable for GNUCash?
Many thanks.

"Bookings ID","Naam","Order_id","Price","Start Date","End Date"
"17","Marleen de Backer","50","8000","06/08/2013 - 00:00","woensdag,
augustus 7, 2013 - 00:00"
"22","Kathleen Bruneel","72","8000","30/07/2013 - 00:00","woensdag, juli
31, 2013 - 00:00"
"23","Hans en Corry Leeuwesteijn","80","8000","28/08/2013 -
00:00","donderdag, augustus 29, 2013 - 00:00"

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