Can't get online quotes for some Fidelity/BlackRock investments
Andrew Kolbus
andrew.kolbus at
Sun Mar 2 10:42:33 EST 2014
Yes, I am on a mac, but I don't think we're talking about the same problem.
I had the issue that most others had with F::Q last month, where the Yahoo
API was broken. I updated to F::Q 1.20 and its working normally again. My
issue is that a subset of investments do not retrieve quotes (and never
have). Before I go through trying to reinstall all those tools, can you
tell me if "gnc-fq-dump fidelity 999525090" gives you a quote? I get the
following (unusable) result:
/Applications/ fidelity
Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
symbol: 999525090 <=== required
date: ** missing ** <=== required
currency: ** missing ** <=== required
last: 0.00 <=\
nav: <=== one of these
price: <=/
timezone: <=== optional
** This stock quote cannot be used by gnucash!!
On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 4:01 PM, Deane Yamane <deane.yamane at> wrote:
> IF u're using a Mac, I had the same problem. The fix was to re- download
> the newest Xcode app, reinstall the 'Command Line Tools'
> (Preferences/Downloads). Then I reran the 'FinanceQuote Update' app JIC.
> Now GnuCash 2.4.13 and 2.6.1 (the latest) both work.
> This is 'MacOSX Readme.pdf' from the 2.4.13 dmg:
> "Installing Finance::Quote
> You can install Finance::Quote by double-clicking the FinanceQuote Update
> applet in the dmg. It's a bit
> painful, especially if you're on Lion and don't already have XCode
> installed.
> You'll need to be logged in with an administrator account ("Allow user to
> administer this computer" is checked in
> System Preferences->Accounts for the user).
> You'll also need to have Developer Tools (Tiger or Leopard) or XCode (Snow
> Leopard and Lion) installed. It's
> available as an optional install on your installation DVD or for Lion
> users, as a free download from the App Store.
> In the latter case, you must also install the command line tools: Open
> XCode Preferences, select "Downloads", and
> click the "Install" button next to "Command Line Tools". Close XCode.
> FinanceQuote Update runs a script in a Terminal window. You'll need to
> switch to that window (CMD-Tab if it
> isn't visible) and enter your password at the prompt to allow it to write
> to the system Perl directory. The script will
> ask a bunch of questions. You can just accept the defaults to all of them
> (just hit "return" for each one). If there
> was a good way to suppress those questions, we'd do that."
> I hope this helps.
> On Mar 1, 2014, at 9:44 AM, Andrew Kolbus <andrew.kolbus at> wrote:
> > Ken/John,
> > I think building this into the import module is the better approach here,
> > but it's not urgent. My employer is switching 401k administrators in a
> few
> > months anyway. Not sure if things will be better or worse, but I'm okay
> > with manual updates in the meantime.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Andrew
> > Guys,
> > I know it might sound pretty kludgy, but is it maybe possible to do
> > something like this:
> >
> > (1) Obtain the QIF data, saving to a file (or not) within Perl.
> > (2) Parse said data and extract the price.
> > (3) Construct the necessary data structure for a quote for Gnucash.
> > (4) Provide the data in the proper Finance::Quote style.
> >
> > Kind of making a "fake" Finance::Quote module? I may have a go at
> > implementing this for some persnickety "available only on Fidelity
> website"
> > quotes I need. Then again, perhaps my ignorance of the intricacies of QIF
> > data is making me overly optimistic.
> >
> > Ken
> >
> >
> >
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