Starting Balance for reconciliation has changed
David T.
sunfish62 at
Sun Mar 16 13:39:27 EDT 2014
The problem of a mismatch on the Opening balance in reconciling is addressed in the Tutorial at
If I were in this situation (which I have been before), I would continue the reconcile process and see whether I can get the ending balance to match up. If it does, then there would be nothing more to worry about.
If it doesn’t, then you will have to try and track down the transactions (and I make that plural since you say you already looked for a single transaction in the value of the discrepancy) that somehow got its flag changed.
On Mar 16, 2014, at 10:08 AM, Michael Hendry <hendry.michael at> wrote:
> Dear Users
> I started to reconcile my RBS account today, but noticed that the Starting Balance on the bank statement (£4405.62) didn’t match that in the reconciliation window (£4386.52).
> Tracking back, I had recorded the last reconciliation on 25th Feb 2014, so I opened a series of XXX.gnucash files to track down the problem.
> Files up to and including…
> 2014 02 25 10 51 24.gnucash showed the correct starting balance for the reconciliation I had been about to undertake on 25th Feb.
> Files…
> 2014 02 25 10 55 00.gnucash showed the correct starting balance following the reconciliation I’d just undertaken (£4405.62)
> 2014 02 25 11 03 27.gnucash showed the correct starting balance following the reconciliation I’d just undertaken (£4405.62)
> 2014 02 25 11 25 04.gnucash showed an incorrect starting balance (£4386.52).
> [I’ve inserted spaces in the filenames to make the dates and times easier to read].
> My conclusion is that I’ve done something wrong between 11:03 and 11:25 on the 25th of February.
> I’ve looked at the xxx.log files for the times surrounding these xxx.gnucash files, but can’t see any reference to changes in the RBS account.
> If I’ve accidentally changed the value of an already-reconciled transaction, shouldn’t I see this in one of the log files?
> I’ve searched for a transaction with a value of £19.10 (the difference between the starting balances) but found nothing.
> Any advice on how I should proceed?
> Michael
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