GnuCash cant resize New Account window

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at
Mon Mar 31 16:59:53 EDT 2014

On Monday 31 March 2014 07:49:24 jacob20 wrote:
> I am just starting up with GnuCash. I have a fedora 20 machine and I
> am running GnuCash 2.6.2. When I go to FIle->New the "New Account
> Window Hierarchy Setup" window opens but it is too tall for my screen
> and I cannot get my mouse to the bottom of it to see what the options
> are. I have tried the resize option, but that only allows me to
> resize the width and not the height of the widow. Is there a work
> around for this?
The height of the hierarchy setup is determined by the options and other 
widgets the dialog. You can't resize this to be smaller. But you can move 
the window upwards:
Hold down the alt key while clicking anywhere in the window should allow 
you to move it up to see the options.


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