Registry Entry math error

John Ralls jralls at
Thu May 1 22:45:28 EDT 2014

On May 1, 2014, at 6:54 PM, Neil Knight <nakinigit at> wrote:

> I have a problem with 2 register entries in gnucash:
>   previous balance is $1,080.91, Check entered for $39.82. New
>   balance, according to the register, is now $1,001.27.
>   But 1,080.91 - 39.82 = $1041.09. How can this be? There are no
>   splits, I only use one currency.
>   Same problem with the next transaction: check for 20.28, written
>   against the gnucash balance of $1,001.27,**new balance shows**as
>   960.71 Again, 1001.27 - 20.28 = $980.99
>   It seems that in both cases, the amount of the debit was doubled.
>   The total error is $60.10, and if I delete the offending
>   transactions, that same error gets carried forward to the next
>   transaction. Incidentally, all of my experimentation was done
>   without ever saving the file.

Could you elaborate on that bit? If you delete the transactions, the error gets
gets carried forward? 

Is the running balance for the next transaction off by $60.10, or is it off by $39.82 and
the next one after that off by $60.10?

It sounds to me like there are splits in the account
that aren't displaying.

>   The account has been reconciled years ago, and the start and end
>   balances were fine back then. But something has changed, and it has
>   taken me this long to actually identify the culprit. There have been
>   no deletions of cleared transactions, other than my experimentation.
>   My workaround has been to enter a correction of $60.10, but I can
>   never mark that transaction as cleared, as it will screw up
>   subsequent reconcilliations.

So the reconciled balance is correct but the displayed balance in the register
is off by $60.10? Still sounds like two splits have somehow become hidden.

What version of GnuCash are you using?

John Ralls

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