Purchase of GnuCash

John Ralls jralls at ceridwen.us
Tue May 20 22:43:44 EDT 2014

On May 20, 2014, at 3:11 PM, George Brown <georgebrown5 at googlemail.com> wrote:

> Thank you John
> However, how can l get the user manuals or learning materials for my students
> Also can we have our name put on accounting cd pack for sale to our students and public. Calling it SIK Account.  We want to work together to have this software for West Africa

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The help and the concepts guide are downloadable from our website in several ebook formats. There’s also a textbook available at http://link.packtpub.com/6FDDUr, though it isn’t free.

If you’re in this for commercial purposes you need to have your lawyers study the GNU General Public License, Version 2, and other relevant materials at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html. There are very specific terms in the license about what you must do if you’re redistributing, including how much you may charge and what you must include along with the distribution.

You can call your distribution whatever you like, but you must include the source code, license, and copyright information so it will be immediately apparent to anyone what you’re actually selling… and that it’s available for the cost of downloading it. Since there’s a huge amount of online material available by searching for “gnucash” and rather less available by searching for “SIK Account”, you’ll do your customers a disservice by concealing the program’s real name and in the end only hurt your own reputation.

John Ralls

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