GnuCash on MAC OSX

John Ralls jralls at
Tue May 27 13:18:35 EDT 2014

On May 27, 2014, at 10:04 AM, Tony Milograno <tikka at> wrote:

> Hello All:
> I'm a new user to a MAC AirBook and have been using GnuCash on Ubuntu for a few years.  Can someone give me step by step instructions on how to install GnuCash on a MAC OS-X Mavericks?

1. Download and open the Gnucash dmg. The current releases are always linked in the upper right-hand corner of
2. Drag the icon from the dmg to wherever you want to keep it; most Mac users prefer the Applications folder.
3. Eject the dmg. (control-tap or two-finger tap to bring up the context menu, select “Eject Gnucash-Intel-4.0.4-1.dmg”)

GnuCash can be started by double clicking the icon wherever you put it. Note that while GnuCash will start when you double-click a gnucash file in Finder, including on the desktop, it won’t actually open that file. It always opens the last one it was using.

John Ralls

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