Does GnuCash possess a Journal Entry numbering facility

John Ralls jralls at
Wed Oct 1 19:57:36 EDT 2014

On Oct 1, 2014, at 9:54 AM, David Britton <bbaruu at> wrote:

> Many accounting systems do have this.  Choosing to export the JE# field
> along with its Date permits searching for subsequent JEs that predate a
> reconciled balance so as to show the "offending" entry.  The other main use
> is to provide a unique reference#.

We use a GUID internally for ids of all objects but it's not exposed to the UI or any reports. GnuCash also doesn't journal anything; it's all posted to the ledgers immediately, so a "Journal Entry Number" wouldn't be meaningful in the normal accounting sense. 

To find unreconciled splits before a certain date, use the Edit>Find dialog from the account you're having trouble reconciling. Set Posted Date is before X and Reconcile is not cleared and click the Find button.

John Ralls

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