Does GnuCash possess a Journal Entry numbering facility

John Ralls jralls at
Thu Oct 2 19:00:44 EDT 2014

On Oct 2, 2014, at 3:32 PM, Edward Doolittle <edward.doolittle at> wrote:

> I've followed the discussion around journaling transactions with interest, because I've been thinking about what is required to recover from a crash resulting in a corrupted gnucash database. It seems like the thing to do is to go to an earlier version of the database and re-enter transactions since that earlier version was closed. But how do we know which transactions to re-enter? If there were a journal, transactions could be "replayed" from the time of the last good database save. 
> I can see how adding such a feature to gnucash might be more trouble than it's worth, but I am wondering what a reasonable crash recovery plan would look like. Perhaps receipts could be stored in a paper journal until reconciliation is completed?

There are log files as well as backups. You can load a backup and then "replay" the log files. Unfortunately they only record transactions, not any of the business features, so you’ll still have to recreate any bills or invoices and re-post the transactions to them.

John Ralls

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