GnuCash with SQL and remembering Payee addresses for printing checks

Spencer Graves spencer.graves at
Sat Oct 25 22:34:56 EDT 2014


       Can someone help me understand the "SQL" page in the GnuCash Wiki 

       In particular, I'd like to know how this relates to current 
versions of GnuCash and its ability to remember payee when printing 
checks.  This "SQL" page includes an SQL specification for a table 
"vendors", which includes lines for "addr".  However, a 21 Apr 2014 
reply on this list reported that, 'GnuCash does not have a "Payee 
Address Database" for checks.' 

       "Vendors" sounds like "Payees" to me.

             1.  I can thing of two possible interpretations:

                   1.1.  Was the 21 April 2014 reply mistaken?

                   1.2.  Or does the current database for GnuCash 
include space for vendor / payee addresses, but that's not currently 
used when printing checks?

             2.  In either case, what might a user do to get GnuCash to 
remember addresses for payees in printing checks?

       Spencer Graves

p.s.  I have GnuCash 2.6.1, which is the default version for Ubuntu 
14.04 LTS, where it's installed.  I could upgrade to GnuCash 2.6.4 if 
that would make a difference.  If needed I could also compile GnuCash 
from source.  In a thread on this list around January 10, 2014, Derek 
Atkins suggested I "could always code in the feature and donate it."  
Some else said, "It is a feature I too would like.  But don’t know how 
to make the necessary changes."

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