Handling charitable donation as a discount on an invoice

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at mtdata.com
Mon Oct 27 08:48:23 EDT 2014

> Is there a way to post a charitable donation directly to an expense 
> account from an invoice, or am I barking up a dead tree?
> Kevin
Need to separate "can do" from "advisable" and this is something you 
really should be taking up with your accountant.

This is something I deal with all the time from BOTH sides of the 
question (sometimes as the donor and sometimes as the treasurer of the 
charity). It is really a LOT cleaner if you don't combine and provides a 
more definite record for tax purposes.

I am NOT an accountant, but I recommend you don't combine. Bill the 
invoice for the full amount and include a check for the donation you 
wish to make. Similarly when one of my people sends in a receipt with a  
reimbursement request for only part of that (part they wish to donate) I 
send them a reimbursement check for the full amount and ask them for a 
check in the amount they wish to donate.


PS: I will repeat, I am neither an accountant nor a tax advisor. This is 
really a question where you should know the answer in terms of the tax 
codes of your jurisdiction and what verification of donations they require.

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