Import/Export Transactions

Andy Lavarre alavarre at
Thu Sep 4 19:08:17 EDT 2014

Easy when you know how, but I don't know how.

I followed the instructions but it doesn't work for me: Can someone help 
with links?

I'm exporting a file following what I understand to be the rules and 
then trying to import the same information into the same account but it 

Details below. Thanks in advance, Andy

OK, this is reproducible:

* Start GnuCash on an earlier file.

* Export the Account tree as xxx_tree.csv

* Create or open a new clean template file.

* Import the previous account tree, and clean out the errors. This 
leaves you with a new

template account file that is virginal.

     A blank template file but with operative account tree. Save it as 
such, e.g.,


* Create a dummy transaction in, say, Assets:Cash:USD to transfer $100 
to Assets:Cash:GBP

Save the lot.

* Now export that transaction to 140904_transactions_USD.csv

     File exported correct!!

I have chosen comma delimitations,  but also tried semi-colon 
delimitation, quotations, etc. You can examine the output and be sure 
that it is correct, which it is.

Now try reimporting the same transaction into the same account you used 
to export.

It doesn't work:

Choose the date format (d-m-y). Actually, it is DD-MM-YYYY but  that is 
not an option.

Click on the row that shows your format: Date, Account, etc. It shows 
you the contents of the file.

And it fails:

     "There are problems with the import settings
     The date format could be wrong or there are not enough columns set..."

I  go back and try to format each column but the choices for field type 
do not include the many

types that GnuCash itself has defined so there is no way to 
appropriately assign the column type


So it's not working.

TIA, Andy
alavarre at

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